Celebrating Six Years of Post-Quantum Security: The Journey of QRL

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QRL Weekly, 2023-September-05

5th September 2023

Weekly Dev Snapshot 📸 👇

  • Finished implementation of go-zond-wallet-encryptor-keystore
  • Implementation of Dilithium Execution Changes file is in progress, it will generate the file with credentials, allowing one to withdraw the locked balance with staking reward for the validator that has exited.
  • Implementation of tools and other required changes for the validator exit is in progress.

QRL Monthly: feat QRL Documentation Revision - August 2023

The QRL documentation is currently being revised with the aim of enhancing user engagement and facilitating development. QRL Zond continues to advance with go-zond-types, wallet-types, staking-deposit-cli, and wallet-encryptor-keystore. Finally, the third episode of “History of Cryptography: Behind The Code” discusses Enigma and Alan Turing.

Read more in our blog.

Quantum News

Checkmate! Quantum Computing Breakthrough Via Scalable Quantum Dot Chessboard

On 04 Sep 2023: - scitechdaily.com

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5th September 2023