Celebrating Six Years of Post-Quantum Security: The Journey of QRL

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QRL Weekly, 2023-October-17

17th October 2023

Weekly Development Snapshot

QRL Zond

  • New web3 package development is in progress
  • Updated several dependencies
  • Refactoring done in both Beacon Chain and Execution Engine
  • Bug fixes + Updated Unit tests


  • back-porting of qrllib into Vite PWA environment underway

PKIC Post-Quantum Cryptography’s (PQC) Conference

The QRL Foundation is happy to be a member of the PKI Consortium as well as sponsor of PKI Consortium’s second hybrid Post-Quantum Cryptography’s (PQC) Conference in Amsterdam, the Netherlands on November 7 and 8.

Michael Strike, our Director of Outreach, will be there and will remain until the afternoon of November 10th. Are you in Amsterdam and would want to get together with Michael Strike? Contact him by email at m.strike@theqrl.org or Discord (.strikeattack).

Be sure to peruse the Post-Quantum Cryptography Conference page to learn more. If you’re keen on attending, the registration instructions can be found there as well.

Quantum News

Self-correcting quantum computers within reach?

On 11 Oct 2023: - news.harvard.edu

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17th October 2023