Celebrating Six Years of Post-Quantum Security: The Journey of QRL

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QRL Weekly, 2023-June-20

20th June 2023

Weekly Dev Snapshot 📸 👇

  • QRL Token Indexer indexes all tokens into MongoDB from the Python based QRL blockchain and keeps track of token holders and all transactions associated with a token.
  • Built MongoDB database model for the QRL Token Indexer.
  • Added automatic collection creation code with field indexing in Go based QRL Token Indexer.
  • Added fork recovery / chain reorg handling code in QRL Token Indexer.

Quantum News

Archer Achieves Qubit Material Functionality at Room Temperature in Air

On 20 Jun 2023: - azoquantum.com

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IBM says quantum processors are beginning to provide utility beyond classical methods

On 19 Jun 2023: - techspot.com

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20th June 2023