Celebrating Six Years of Post-Quantum Security: The Journey of QRL

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QRL Games | Winter Hackathon 2022

Project Ideas

Developers and the general public will be able to create and use exciting web3 functionality within the QRL protocol through EVM compatible smart-contracts. Ideas includes everything from porting web3 applications to NFTs and establishing governance on the QRL network.

Hackathon Phases

  • Phase Hackathon
  • Start Date 2022-12-14
  • End Date 2023-01-04
  • Location Online

Project Ideas

Potential ideas for projects to get your creative juices flowing for the Hackathon could involve

  • building and/or porting Web3 applications
  • translating documentation
  • media creation
  • gaming NFT creation
  • decentralized exchanges
  • establishing DAO & Governance on the QRL network
  • and much more