Celebrating Six Years of Post-Quantum Security: The Journey of QRL

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Roadmap update Q1:2023


The QRL Foundation has confirmed the receipt of 5 large grant applications and 2 small grant applications thus far. The next round of large foundation grants will be announced in Q2 2023. Core development is now entirely focused upon unlocking proof of stake as a consensus mechanism and enabling smart contract functionality (EVM).

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End of 2022. First QRL foundation grant announcement


Farewell 2022 - you will not be missed 2022 has been a year to forget for crypto assets and markets in general. Raising of interest rates pricked asset bubbles around the world putting pressure on crypto asset valuations. Excessive leverage from hedge funds and the collapse of luna/terra have obliterated companies throughout the space, worst of all wiping out retail investors with funds in seemingly safe centralised lending companies such as Blockfi, Celsius and many others.

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The sleeper must awaken


State of QRL First off, the hackathon in Amsterdam was a fantastic affair. It was brilliant to meet up with so many members of the passionate QRL community in person. It was certainly successful and I very much look forward to a bigger and better successor event next year - the only questions are when and where? Development continues apace with multiple new developers joining the project in recent months. The QRL network is about to become a very exciting place to be with the advent of POS and smart contract capabilities at the next major release.

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