Celebrating Six Years of Post-Quantum Security: The Journey of QRL

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Video Interview with Know The Coin

Adam sat down with Pauline from ChangeNOW to discuss QRL and Blockchain


9th December 2019

Video Interview With ChangeNOW — Know The Coin

Earlier this month, I had the opportunity to sit down with Pauline from ChangeNOW to record a video interview for their YouTube series Know The Coin. Here’s the interview:

Additionally, here’s a link to the interview on their YouTube channel.

The interview runs 48 minutes and in it we cover topics ranging from the basics of what QRL is, to blockchain security issues, the threat posed to blockchain and cryptocurrency technology from quantum computers, as well as the importance of open-source solutions in security in general, and in today’s blockchain industry in particular. We at QRL always enjoy the opportunity to share a bit about ourselves and our perspective in interviews like this.


9th December 2019

Adam Koltun


Adam Koltun