Celebrating Six Years of Post-Quantum Security: The Journey of QRL

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QRL and the truth about how quantum computing is a hoax and all skeptics were right in the first place

It’s true. They were 100% right with no mistakes whatsoever


1st April 2021

Table of Contents

Note: The proceeding content is part of an April fools hoax.

Coming clean.

The basic premise goes, because quantum computing presents revolutionary opportunities for AI1, chemistry2, materials science3, finance4, security5, and more, the USA6, China7, EU8 and other nation states are investing heavily into quantum computing. Additionally, 8 out of the top 10 tech giants (by marketshare)9 such as Google10, IBM11, Intel12, Rigetti13 and Microsoft14 are either competing for market dominance or involved in some capacity. Needless to say, competition is high!

From this we can arrive to the “safe” assumption that quantum computing is finally on the verge of becoming commercially useful1516 and is being developed at an accelerating pace17.

But this is a lie Big Tech wants you to believe, designed to get the population to comply by fear tactics through fake news and reference dumps such as the above. The real ugly truth is the entire industry has been culpable in using Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (FUD) to drive a narrative. QRL, through the advocacy efforts has successfully sowed FUD throughout the blockchain industry, where it is now the second most perceived threat to many.

And all you really need to do is follow the money trail.

The money trail

And money it is, there are currently 100’s of millions being poured into quantum computing year on year by Venture Capital and Government organizations alike, and it’s only going to grow.

Some venture capital firms alone includes 1517 Fund, 180º Capital, 415 Capital, 7Percent Ventures, 808 Ventures, 8VC, A&E Investments, Abies Ventures, ACME, Accelerate New York Seed Fund, Accelerated Digital Ventures (ADV), Ahren Innovation Capital, AI Seed, Airbus Ventures, Alchemist Accelerator, Alpha Intelligence Capital, Alumni Ventures Group, Alvarium Investments, Amadeus Capital Partners, Amazon, AME Ventures, Amplify Partners, Andreesson Horowitz, anri, Anthem Venture Partners, Apex Ventures, Atlantic Bridge, Atmos Ventures, Atomico, Avigdor Willenz, Baillie Gifford, Balderton Capital, BASF Venture Capital, Batshit Crazy Ventures, Battery Ventures, Bessemer Venture Partners, Bezos Expeditions, Blackrock, Bloomberg Beta, BlueYard, Boost VC, BoxGroup, Bpifrance, Breega, btov Partners, Business Development Bank of Canada, Cambium Capital, Cambridge Enterprise, Cambridge Innovation Capital, Canaan, Cantos, CCB International, Chengdu Industrial Investment, China Internet Investment Fund, CICC Qizhi, Citigroup, Civilization Ventures, CME Ventures, Comcast Ventures, Correlation Ventures, Cota Capital, Crane Venture Partners, Creative Ventures, Crosslink Capital, D.E. Shaw Group, DCVC (Data Collective), DEEPCORE, Dentsu Group, Differential Ventures, Draper Esprit, Draper Fisher Jurvetson, Dymon Asian Ventures, Easo Ventures SCR, Ecliptic Capital, EDBI, EIC Accelerator, Elaia Partners, Ellis Energy Investments, Eniac Ventures, Enterprise Ireland, Entrée Capital, Entrepreneur First (EF), Episode1, EQT, eQventure, FAM AB, Felicis Ventures, Fenox Venture Capital, FF Science, Fidelity Investments, Fifty Years, Firebolt Ventures, Fitz Gate Ventures, Fluxus Ventures, Flybridge Capital Partners, Forward.one, Founders Fund, FoundersX, Foundry Group, Franklin Templeton, G Ventures, George Shultz Innovation Fund, Georgian Partners, Global Brain Corporation, Global Founders Capital, Global Frontier Investments, Golden Gate Ventures, Golden Venture Partners, Golden Ventures, Goldman Sachs, GreatPoint Ventures, GrowthWorks, Guoxin Fund, GV (formerly Google Ventures), Harel Insurance Investments & Financial Services, Hermann Hauser Investment GmbH, High-Tech Gründerfonds, Hoepfner Bräu, Honeywell Ventures, Horizons Ventures, Hoxton Ventures, HealthInc, Hewlett Packard Pathfinder, Horsley Bridge Partners, IBM Ventures, Initiative for Industrial Innovators, IN Venture, In-Q-Tel, INKEF Capital, Innovate UK, Innovation Endeavors, iNovia, International Investment & Underwriting, IP Group, IQ Capital, ITOCHU Corporation, JSR Corporation, KEC Ventures, Kensington Capital Partners, Kindred Capital, Khosla Ventures, La Roca Capital, Lakestar, Latent Capital, Lavrock Ventures, LCP Quantum Partners, LG Technology Ventures, Lightspeed, Lim Teck Lee (Pte) Ltd., Liquid Ventures, LocalGlobe, Lockheed Martin Ventures, London Co-Investment Fund, Luminous Ventures, Lux Capital, M Ventures (Merck Corporate Venture Capital Fund), M12 (Microsoft’s Venture Fund), Main Sequence Ventures, Maki.vc, Manta Ray Ventures, Martlet Capital, Maryland Venture Fund, Matadero QED, Maverick Ventures, Merck Global Health Innovation Fund, MIG AG, MIRAI SOUZOU, Mitusbishi UFJ Capital, Mondragon Promotion Fund FCR, Morado Venture Partners, Morpheus Ventures, Mubadala Capital, National Security Strategic Investment Fund (NSSIF), NEC Capital Solutions, NEC Corporation, New Enterprise Associates, New Ground Ventures, New Technology Ventures, Newlab, Northgate Capital, NovaUCD, Octopus Ventures, OMERS Ventures, Oost NL, OpenOcean, Osage University Partners, OurCrowd, Overkill Ventures, Oxford Sciences Innovation, Parkwalk, Parkwalk, Parkwalk, Partnership for New York City, PenderFund Capital Management, Penja Strategy, Pentech, Pillar VC, Pitango Venture Capital, Playground Global, Plug and Play Japan, Plug and Play Tech Center, Prelude Ventures, Propagator Ventures, PSP Investments, Quantonation, Quantum1 Group, Quantum Valley Investments, Quantum Wave Fund, Radical Ventures, RAPH2Invest, Real Ventures, Redpoint Ventures, Rising Tide, Robert Bosch Venture Capital, Royal Bank of Scotland (Silicon Valley Solutions), S28 Capital, Salvia GmbH, Samsung Catalyst Fund, Samsung Next Q Fund, Santo Venture Capital, Satt Lutech, SBI Investment, Scholt Capital, Scout Ventures, Seed Gipuzkoa, Seier Capital, Sequoia, Sequoia Capital India, Sequoia China, Seraphim Capital, Serendipity Capital, SGInnovate, Shasta Ventures, Shinsei Corporate Investment, Siam Commercial Bank (Digital Ventures), Sierra Ventures, Silicon Valley Bank, Social Capital, Social Impact Capital, Space Capital, SPARX Group, Square Peg Capital, Stanhill Capital, Streamlined Ventures, Summer Capital, Summer Capital, Susa Ventures, Sustainable Development Technology Canada, Sutter Hill Ventures, SV Angel, Talipot Holdings, Tao Capital Partners, Team8, Tencent, Tesi, The Engine, The House Fund, The Robotics Hub, TIS Inc., TLV Partners, TPY Capital, Tribeca Venture Partners, UCL Technology Fund, Uncork Capital, UNIIQ, Unternehmertum Venture Capital, Vanedge Capital, Venrock, Village Global, Vito Ventures, Vsquared Ventures, Vy Capital, Vy Capital, Wavemaker Partners, Wing VC, WorldQuant Ventures, WS Investments, WTI, Y Combinator’s Continuity Fund, Zhongke Yucheng, Zhongtian Fortune, and ZKB Startup Finance.

And they’re in companies like 1QBit, A*Quantum, AegiQ, Agnostiq, Alice&Bob, Aliro Technologies, Anametric, ApexQubit, ArQit, Atom Computing, AuroraQ, Beit, Black Brane Systems, Bleximo, Boxcat, Cambridge Quantum Computing, Classiq, CogniFrame, ColdQuanta, Crypto Quantique, CryptoNext Security, D-Wave, Delft Circuits, Entropica Labs, equal1, GTN LTD, Horizon Quantum Computing, HQS Quantum Simulations, ID Quantique, IonQ, IQM, ISARA, Jij, Kets Quantum Security, kiutra, MDR, Menten AI, Multiverse Computing, Nord Quantique, Nu Quantum, ORCA Computing, Origin Quantum, Oxford Ionics, Oxford Quantum Circuits, ParityQC, Pasqal, Phasecraft, Post-Quantum, PQShield, ProteinQure, PsiQuantum, Q-CTRL, Qblox, QCWare, QEDma Quantum Computing, Qnami, QSimulate, Quandela, Quantum Benchmark, Quantum Circuits Inc., Quantum Dice, Quantum Machines, Quantum Motion Technologies, Quantum Xchange, Qubit Engineering, Qubit Pharmaceuticals, Qubitekk, Quintessence Labs, QuiX, Qulab, QunaSys, Qunnect, QxBranch/Rigetti, Rahko, ReactiveQ, Rigetti Computing, Riverlane, Seeqc, Sigma-i, Solid State AI, Sparrow Quantum, SpeQtral, Strangeworks, Super.tech, Terra Quantum, Turing, Universal Quantum, Xanadu, Zapata Computing, and ZY4.

How is so much money going into something so fake? Well, it wouldn’t be possible without a sustained network of fake news from 8 out of the 10 Big Tech giants participating in perpetuating this lie. And why? MONEY

What does every organization crave over above all else? They need to increase their valuation and their stock prices while the rest of the world races to the bottom.

The facts: Why quantum computers won’t work

Gil Kalai covers this in great depth in his paper “The Argument against Quantum Computers, the Quantum Laws of Nature, and Google’s Supremacy Claims”, but in summary:

The reason quantum computers will never be able to get beyond 54 qubits is that conservation electance effects are expected in departing from a single quantum coaction state to an erodible multientangled quantum electance state, yielding discordant resonance with reduced electrofermionic action and increased emissions of etheopolerized hyperstatic further desuperoccupying the entangled state. Meanwhile, an operation using electrochromatic nano-LEDs to maintain simultaneity would also fail due to the etheopolerized hyperstasic destabilizing the electrofermionic resonance of the Caddell-Huges simplified progression to the point where it will be impossible to maintain proper Perrier-Hall femtostasis, needed by the quantum registers.

As a counterpoint, it’s argued that electrochromatic flux in nano-LED’s and other capacitance based hardware emits sterolites which would allow for the reduction in micro-influxitance to the rest of the quantum state. The theory is shaky enough, and further, has never been demonstrated in a lab setting.

This is why computationally superior quantum computing is simply impossible, giving almost no computational gain over classical computers in almost all conditions. Qubits without a quantum register cannot calculate an electrofermionic artificial neural network, making it impossible to filter out usable data from the quantum state with enough accuracy to apply the technology to any relevant application. It would not be able to register the subtleties and algorithms hidden within quantum boolean completions, therefore failing at everything that matters. Checkmate, atheists.

Scott Aaronson and his bogus arguments.

You’ve probably heard about Scott Aaronson’s argument, and his 100k bounty for anyone that can prove to his satisfaction that scalable quantum computers are impossible.

He argues that quantum computing is feasible, namely by gradually extending the way in which protocols like universal introductions secure larger ensemble transactions onto the atomic level if it were known which other transaction directions are spent, which proves that qubits (and by extension quantum computers) can operate consistently in isolation.

For other arguments against quantum computing he outlines that in a lecture on Skepticism of Quantum Computing. The full list of objections he covers are here:

  1. Works on paper, not in practice.
  2. Violates Extended Church-Turing Thesis.
  3. Not enough “real physics.”
  4. Small amplitudes are unphysical.
  5. Exponentially large states are unphysical.
  6. Quantum computers are just souped-up analog computers.
  7. Quantum computers aren’t like anything we’ve ever seen before.
  8. Quantum mechanics is just an approximation to some deeper theory.
  9. Decoherence will always be worse than the fault-tolerance threshold.
  10. We don’t need fault-tolerance for classical computers.
  11. Errors aren’t independent.

The problem is he can’t be trusted. Doing a bit of digging you realize he’s a “researcher” for big education. Not only that, he works closely and is in bed with Dana Moshkovitz, another from The University of Texas. As everything is bigger in Texas, we’re talking BIG education.

Closing notes

Happy April fools everyone.

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  1. Machine Learning & AI

  2. Chemistry & Biology

  3. Materials Science

  4. Quantum Computing in Finance

  5. Quantum Computing and Security

  6. The USA

  7. China

  8. EU

  9. TOP 10 tech companies by marketcap and their involvement with quantum computing

  10. Google

  11. IBM

  12. Intel

  13. Rigetti

  14. Microsoft

  15. Commercialization

  16. Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) Computers

  17. Quantum computing pace of development



1st April 2021

Jack Matier


Jack Matier