Last Week in QRL May 14–20

20th May 2019
This past week has been a more-positive-than-usual one in the cryptosphere — locally, our integration with Keybase (blog here) went smoothly, and was well received by our users. More generally, the Consensus conference in NYC as well as some dynamic price action, has had the wider blockchain community aflutter with all sorts of proclamations and predictions. As ever, completing one task at QRL just leaves room to attack the next one. In the (relatively) near future we will be able to announce more fun utility added to the QRL ecosystem. For now, the best of what we can talk about is below.

- qrl-ledger: Updating app (adding multitree support)
- block-explorer: Fix for Q/q in route on address page
- block-explorer: Bump explorer-helpers version
Token Migration Update

As we announced back in April in a dedicated blog, automatic migration will be closed as of **JUNE 15, 2019 2000 UTC. **This will not mark the complete removal of user’s ability to migrate ERC20’s. However, currently the process is **automatic and can be completed in its entirety by the user. After JUNE 15, 2019 2000 UTC, the process will be **manual, require interacting with The QRL team in some capacity, and may take an indeterminate amount of time. Additionally, each manual migration will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
This cannot be stressed enough: every user with ERC20s remaining in their possession, please migrate them to main-network Quanta on the QRL blockchain as soon as it is reasonably possible for you to do so.
We have already seen a great response from the community, with over half the remaining ERC20s migrated over the past few weeks. We at QRL are very pleased by this, and sincerely hope that migration continues at this rate, leaving little to no ERC20s un-migrated when automatic migration closes (JUNE 15, 2019 2000 UTC).
20th May 2019