Celebrating Six Years of Post-Quantum Security: The Journey of QRL

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Last Week in QRL Feb 5–Feb 11


11th February 2019


This is the final week of preparation before Developer Week 2019 next week. We will have a “Last Week in QRL” blog like normal on the 18th, then Adam and James will be heading out to Oakland the following morning. Both the seasonal and crypto winter have continued to slog on, but unlike the bear (both literal and figurative), we are not content to hibernate our way through. Progress continues, and below are some of the highlights that we can talk about.


  • Block Explorer: Fix search box on mobile
  • Ledger: Fix nodejs comm names
  • Wallet: Many changes, see QRL Wallet section below

QRL Wallet

The QRL Wallet has had a huge week of changes, so much so that we figured we should break it out into its own

  • Supports Ledger Nano S in Web and Desktop apps across Mac, Windows and Linux (Ubuntu tested).
  • Desktop app now has installers (DEB for Linux, DMG for Mac, MSI for Windows)
  • Improved build process for Electron Desktop app
  • Improved desktop app closure process (resolve hanging node.js process)
  • Update Meteor to

Upcoming Conference

Only 9 days until Adam speaks at DeveloperWeek 2019 — if you are still interested in attending a meetup somewhere nearby in Oakland, please reach out via Discord DM, Twitter, or Reddit. So far we have seen some interest, but not yet enough to justify a meetup. We will announce the meetup (if there is one) in our official preview blog of the conference (coming later this week).


11th February 2019

Adam Koltun


Adam Koltun