Celebrating Six Years of Post-Quantum Security: The Journey of QRL

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Last Week in QRL Feb 26 — Mar 4

What has happened at QRL over the past week


4th March 2019


Another week in the books at QRL! We have been looking at/editing the footage from DeveloperWeek, as well as scheduling (and rescheduling) some potential upcoming appearances/interviews on podcasts/web shows. The best of the rest is below.


  • Go-QRL: Added missing code to remove unconfirmed txn from collection
  • Offline Wallet: Checksum and PGP signing complete
  • Ledger: Ledger asked for a small UX change in BOLOS app which has been implemented
  • Mobile: Crash on Android under investigation

Website Refresh

As many of you have probably already noticed, we have pushed some light updates to the QRL website. These include new categories for the content on the website, as well as changing what was our Roadmap page to the Protocol Updates page. There are also new pages for QIP review, such as the Multi-Signature Wallet page. You can now review any QIP directly on the website (though comments are still done on GitHub).


We are happy to announce that Discord user PQAdvantage is February’s QRL Community Nomination Winner! We asked PQAdvantage to tell us a bit about how they came to QRL:

In 2017, I had discussions with several cybersecurity industry leaders who raised serious concerns about the imminent threat of quantum computing technology to cryptocurrencies and cryptography in general. While I was well acquainted with all things quantum and crypto, the alarm bells had not gone off in my head until those discussions. I spent several months researching the best projects and concluded that QRL surpassed the field by a considerable margin (hat tip to Doney and other great minds in the QRL community for helping me expedite that process). Indeed, QRL is exactly what I was looking for as a hedge against the inherent quantum vulnerabilities of the rest of my crypto portfolio. I am astounded by how much the QRL team has achieved to date and excited to see where they go in the future. I believe they are nicely positioned to become quite literally the most secure and reliable post-quantum blockchain platform in the world. I’m also floored by the depth and breadth of the QRL community and learn something new from them every day. In closing, if ECDSA isn’t cracked by the end of 2020, I’ll eat my own qubit

As a reminder, if there is a member of the QRL community that you would like to put up for the QRL Community Nomination, please nominate them in Discord in the channel #butler.


4th March 2019

Adam Koltun


Adam Koltun