Last Week in QRL Feb 19–25, 2019

25th February 2019
Adam and James just got back from DeveloperWeek 2019 at the end of last week. This blog will be less brief than we thought it might be, as there is the pleasant surprise of QIP 5 to introduce to everyone. At QRL, we are continuing to perfect existing systems and features, as well as continuing to develop new ones. Below is some of what has been going on the past week.

- **Python Node: **Node with pagination running in devnet
- **Python Node: **Address state updated to support multisig
- **GoQRL/MongoDB/Explorer: **Explorer being largely refactored (practically rewritten) to take advantage of the rapid speed and reduce node overhead
- Node development: Go to become primary node implementation in the long term
DeveloperWeek 2019

I will be brief here since we also have our Reflecting on DeveloperWeek blog. DeveloperWeek 2019 was a success; it was an eminently professional setup, the presentation went well, and it was a massive event that seemed to work like a well-oiled machine.
After spending so much time in our own particular niche of the wider technical world, it was both refreshing and inspiring to see how much progress is being made in other areas of technology like Artificial Intelligence, and Virtual Reality.
QIP 5: Extending Message transaction Functionality

Another week, another QRL Improvement Protocol (QIP). The newest QIP on the block(chain) is QIP 5: Extending Message tx Functionality. As always, we highly encourage everyone to go read the QIPs in full for themselves. Here is the abstract:
Message transactions sent on the QRL blockchain network allow broadcast and decentralised storage of 80 bytes of data per transaction for purposes such as notarisation and data stamping. This minor QIP extends the message transaction format to include an optional payee/receipt address.
We are very excited at the potential of the QIP system, and are very heartened by the QIPs we have seen so far. Whether a given QIP is ultimately integrated or not, we believe that the discussions they inspire are helpful for the growth of the QRL network. Without properly discussing both the necessary next steps, as well as the paths not taken, we cannot be sure that QRL will continue to be the best decentralized blockchain network that it can be. As always, we *highly *encourage anyone with interest to submit a QIP. It remains one of the most direct ways to contribute to the overall QRL ecosystem, as well as a way to make your desires regarding the continued development of QRL known.
25th February 2019