Celebrating Six Years of Post-Quantum Security: The Journey of QRL

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Last Month at QRL - October 2022


4th November 2022

Table of Contents


Strategic update: The Sleeper Must Awaken

Today, crypto is so much more than just a peer-to-peer value transfer, with DeFi, NFTs, DAO’s, DEX’s and more coming into the space over the last few years. The market capitalization has exploded and blockchain technology is on the verge of entering the mainstream.

QRL, being well into its 7th year of existence, is changing with that, introducing smart-contracts for programmable assets, and Proof-of-Stake as a more efficient and robust consensus mechanism.

Important changes to project governance and funding will soon be announced. The first step of this will be a public grants system aimed at supporting: core development, research, education and documentation and for the first time, community.

More can be read in our Sleeper Must Awaken blog.


Awesome projects built at the QRL Hackathon 2022

At QRL’s first ever in-person Hackathon, which took place in Amsterdam in September of this year, some really impressive projects were developed, which we’ve given an overview of on youtube.

In the community

QRL ↔ NUDES Meme Contest

The QRL ↔ NUDES communities joined forces and launched a meme contest October 11th 10:00 AM UTC to October 31st 10:00 AM UTC with over $5000 in prizes and the winners have been announced!


1st place - $1,200 in QRL tokens
QRL will change your life, by kurubatermit

2nd place - $750 in QRL tokens
Protected Dating, by tema1923

3rd place - $500 in QRL tokens
QRL’s pony is ready to give BTC a ride!, by amer1can_qrl

4th place - $300 in QRL tokens
QRL - ENTANGLE ME, by cuetum_
(Since cuetum_ is a Nudes General, his prize is donated to the Excellence Awards prize pool)

5th place - $250 in QRL tokens
Quantum computers getting crazy, by MEMEFORLAMBO

Excellence Awards
For this contest we had the QRL community team and Nudes Army OGs pick their favorite memes to win Excellence Awards! $2,300 in QRL and 250 Billion NUDES will be divided equally among winning memes.

~$143.75 USD in QRL and 15.6 Billion NUDES will be awarded to each of the following 16 winning memes:

To see more QRL meme’s, you’ll want to check out the contest page.

OneQRL: Questions & Answers

Since the launch of OneQRL.com at the 2022 Hackathon, the OneQRL Team intentionally left the FAQ section unfinished.

Last month, the OneQRL Team got the community involved and gave a 10 Quanta reward to the most voted Questions/Answers each. This event lasted from October 24th to October 31st

Quantum Computing Advances

SandboxAQ Buys Cryptosense to Deploy Post-Quantum Cryptography

On 22 Oct 2022: California-based SandboxAQ acquired French startup Cryptosense to bolster its post-quantum cryptography capabilities, leveraging Cryptosense's expertise in detecting and correcting cryptographic vulnerabilities, with the aim of accelerating the deployment of quantum-safe solutions globally. - eetimes

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Cloudflare's post-quantum cryptography protects almost a fifth of the internet

On 03 Oct 2022: - venturebeat

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Quantinuum Is On A Roll - 17 Significant Quantum Computing Achievements In 12 Months

On 03 Oct 2022: - forbes

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Minor fix for RandomX Block Verification while mining block at different seed + more unit tests

  • [6f711] Fix: RandomX block verification while a block with different seed hash is mined
  • [1b712] code cleanup
  • [87841] Updated google test git link
  • [aaef9] qrxminer store mainHeight and seedHeight params for threads


New blog: The Sleeper Must Awaken

  • [99f84] New blog: The Sleeper Must Awaken

QREVM -> QRVM (and remove unofficial repo)

  • [ce3a1] QREVM -> QRVM (and remove unofficial repo)

Fix Discord invite link

Add last month at QRL - September 2022 blog

  • [13130] Allow image includes for quantum news
  • [95334] Update quantum news
  • [31a70] Add last month at QRL - September 2022 blog

Fix API links on homepage

  • [79a48] Fix API links on homepage
  • [ec2ae] Merge branch ’theQRL:main’ into main


4th November 2022

Jack Matier


Jack Matier