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Automatic QRL Token Migration End-date

Mark your calendars for June 15th, 2019 2000 UTC

7th April 2019

Mark your calendars for June 15th, 2019 2000 UTC

The current token migration process is automatic once you have started the process and almost immediate.

After June 15th, 2019, however, the process for migrating ERC20s will be manual, and may take an indeterminate amount of time. Additionally, each manual migration will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

It’s strongly recommended that any and all users who still have QRL ERC20’s to migrate them BEFORE the closure of automatic migration on June 15th, 2019.

We have also outlined this in our documentation to help keep everything in one spot and ensure everyone is on the same page with migration. The documentation page is the page we’ll be issuing periodic reminders with going forward.

Also on this documentation page you will find:

This page can be accessed at: https://docs.theqrl.org/tokenmigration/countdown/

As always, we’re here to answer any questions and provide support in Discord, Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, or through email at support@theqrl.org.

7th April 2019

Jack Matier


Jack Matier